Ka Ni Kanichihk Mino Pimatisiwin

Sexual Wellness Lodge




Walking With Our Relatives

The Walking With Our Relatives project supports relatives of all genders who have experienced sexual assault and/or intimate partner violence access clinical care, counselling, Kookums, ceremony, and social support following sexual assault and intimate partner violence.



What to expect during a forensic exam:

We always want those who come to the Lodge to feel loved and supported. The Walking With Our Relatives Aunties and Kookum’s are here to support you every step of the way. We go at a pace that is comfortable for you. During your visit at the Lodge you can expect:

  • A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner who has built a relationship with the Aunties and Kookum’s at the Lodge will do the exam with complete confidentiality, in a private room in our Lodge.
  • ALL GENDERS OF PEOPLE that take the very brave step to receive services after a violating experience deserve gifts. Therefore, our relatives will receive a gift bundle (blankets, clothing from Red Rebel Armour, a candle, sacred medicines, and much more) after receiving their sexual assault exam.
  • Please know that ANY TIME that has passed (after the assault or even if you are not sure what happened) we invite you in to see us. Please know we will wrap you with support and love while navigating this scary and confusing time.

Aunties Got Your Back


DROP INTO OUR LODGE TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Nurses, aunties, and Kookums are ALWAYS IN at this time.

MONDAY-FRIDAY forensic exams are also available via appointment call the Lodge to book.

Drop in for counselling Thursdays 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Additional counselling days are available, please call us to book a time!

Drop-In Hours

Tuesday 11am - 3pm

Thursday 11am - 3pm

Contact Us

Lodge Phone: (204) 594-6500 (Phone not monitored 24/7)

Email: info@kanikanichihk.ca


Find us at #102-765 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R2W 3N5
